The New Trek Program Guide

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On The Cover: ISBN-10: 0863699227
ISBN-13: 978-0863699221
Length: 288
Published On: 1995-10-01

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Star Trek: The Next Generation and Deep Space Nine episode by episode

Star Trek and its successors The Next Generation and Deep Space Nine constitute the most popular science fiction series in the world.

This book analyzes the more recent aspects of the Trek phenomenon, covering every episode of TNG and the first three seasons of DS9.

As well as providing in-depth information on the series — plot summaries, cast and crew details, transmission dates — this program guide casts a fondly critical eye over the series’ continuity and collects all the moments of humor (intentional and otherwise).

In all, this is a light-hearted, detailed and affectionate overview of the modern descendants of 1960s Star Trek.