Format: Comic Book: Hardcover
Language: English
Published by: EagleMoss Collections
Diamond Distributing Code: n/a
Published On: 2019-12-05
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Manga. The Final Frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise… Manga-style art and Star Trek tales collide again in this next volume of TOKYOPOP’s voyages of the U.S.S. Enterprise, commanded by Captain James T. Kirk. Once again ten artists and writers from across the artistic spectrum deliver up brand new tales of universal betterment featuring the classic Star Trek line up. In Kakan ni Shinkou Kirk is put on trial for crimes he has yet to discover… Uhura demonstrates the true power of communication… Bones gets to the core of Vulcan emotion… Scotty has to extract dilithium crystals from a mine in the middle of a war zone… and an alien delegation uses the Enterprise as a vessel of deception! Cura te IpsumStory by Wil WheatonArt by EJ Su Scaean GateStory by Diane DuaneArt by Don Hudson Communications BreakdownStory by Christine BoylanArt by Bettina Kurkoski The TrialStory by Mike WellmanArt by Nam Kim Forging AlliancesStory by Paul BenjaminArt by Steven Cummings.