A MESSAGE FROM THE TREKSPERTS: Please note this episode was recorded remotely via Zoom and as such the sound quality may not be up to the usual high standards of the podcast recorded in the studio. We hope the content will make up for any deficiencies in the audio. Meanwhile, we ask all our listeners to please listen to the experts, trust science, self isolate, quarantine, stay safe, stay home… and Keep on Trekkin’ #LLAPYOU BROKE YOUR LITTLE SHIPS: The Treksperts are joined by Eagle Moss’ BEN ROBINSON as he talks about his long history as a STAR TREK journalist, regales us with fascinating stories from three decades of covering TREK series, as well as explains his most recent foray into working as the major domo at Eagle Moss, the producer of an incredible line of STAR TREK starship replicas as well as THE ORVILLE, BATTLESTAR GALACTICA and DISCOVERY.Follow us on Twitter at @inglorioustrek, Instagram at @inglorioustreksperts and on Facebook at Electric Surge. Now you can watch INGLORIOUS TREKSPERTS and all your favorite Electric Surge video podcasts On Demand by downloading the free ELECTRIC NOW app in your favorite app store for IOS, Android, Apple TV, Roku and more. Watch your favorite episodes today along with the best film and television from the Electric library.The Fifty-Yeear Mission, the bestselling oral history of Star Trek, by Mark A. Altman & Edward Gross, is now available in paperback from St. Martin’s Press.#StarTrek #TOS #TNG #DS9 #Voy #ENT #Disco #Picard #LLAP #StarTrekVoyager #TOS #Enterprise #TAS @50yearmissionDon’t miss the second season premiere of the hit sci-fi adventure series, PANDORA, debuting on @TheCW on Sunday, October 4th at 8 PM

Adam Selvidge
Author: Adam Selvidge

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