Amy Rose on discussing “Occulted”

Amy Rose was recently featured on to discuss Occulted:

In April of 2020 Rose and writer/cartoonist Ryan Estrada published a comic (which can be read here) on The comic gives a brief look into the unconventional childhood of Rose, growing up in a cult that taught that the aliens of Trek were very real. That Gene Roddenberry was an awakened being connected to a cosmic truth. But, by some miracle of Rose’s own resilience, the characters in the world of Star Trek inspired her to withstand the strange confusing messages that were being thrown at her. So naturally when we here at Women at Warp were asked if we’d be interested in saying a few words on Occulted, a full-length graphic novel from Rose, Estrada, and illustrator Jeongmin Lee about the experience, I was on board.

Check out the Amy Rose author page to view other sightings and a full list of books!

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Adam Selvidge
Author: Adam Selvidge

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