Star Trek Book Deals For February 2023

This month’s ebook deals have landed with 9 books on sale for $0.99 – $1.99 each, books that have never been on sale are in bold:
It appears that this month is a celebration of several elements that we may find in the upcoming Star Trek: Picard series! It’s interesting that they included two Mirror Universe books, though they do heavily feature Annika Hansen (7 of 9), so maybe that’s the connection?

Star Trek: 35 Rihannsu Book 2: The Romulan Way
Star Trek: Dark Passions Book 1
Star Trek: Dark Passions Book 2
Star Trek: Imzadi Forever
Star Trek: Picard: Rogue Elements
Star Trek: Picard: Second Self
Star Trek: Picard: The Dark Veil
Star Trek: Picard: The Last Best Hope
Star Trek: The Next Generation: Vendetta

Adam Selvidge
Author: Adam Selvidge

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