Enterprise Incidents Collected #4

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Enterprise Incidents: Special Collector’s Edition #4 the best from the earliest days of the leading magazine for Star Trek fans, this is a 1984 reprinting of issue 6 of the original Enterprise Incidents Magazine of the 1970’s. Articles include WHITHER THOU GOEST, STAR TREK REVISTED, INCIDENTALLY SPEAKING, BALANCE OF TERROR, THE SCENE YOU NEVER SAW, STAR TREK: HOW THEY MIX SCIENCE FACT WITH FICTION, THE STAR TREK ARCHIVES, STAR TREK BLOOPERS, THE MANY FACES OF FAN FICTION, THE STAR TREK REVU, FAN FICTION: IS IT LEGAL OR MERELY TOLERATED?, ALTERNATIVE THOUGHTS by Gerry Downes, SURVIVORS by Kelly M. Hale, SHERLOCK SPOCK by Hilary Barta & James Van Hise and A BRIEF MOMENT OF LIGHT by Tracey Alexander.