I’ve believe that the Complete List of Star Trek Audiobooks is now actually the complete list and the list of narrators for each of those audio books is correct, though it seems like the Peter Pan records have no record of who did the audio for any of them. A frustrating situation to be sure! […]
2022 Year in Review
We told you about 82 books that were published this year, and 315 reviews from these great sites: www.trek.fm blog.trekcore.com borg.com continuingmissionsta.com locusmag.com omny.fm redshirtsalwaysdie.com roqoodepot.wordpress.com scifibulletin.com scifichick.com taylornetworkofpodcasts.com trekcentral.net trekmovie.com treknews.net treksphere.com variety.com warpfactortrek.com www.blogtalkradio.com www.cbr.com www.dailystartreknews.com www.myconfinedspace.com www.positivelytrek.com www.publishersweekly.com www.rpg.net www.space.com www.spreaker.com www.startrekbookclub.com www.trekbbs.com www.womenatwarp.com In the year 2022 there were 638 posts, […]
2021 Year in Review
Another year in the can, let’s look at some interesting numbers!