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Format: Book: Hardcover
Language: English
Published by: Decipher
ISBN-10: 1582369011
ISBN-13: 978-1582369013
Length: 248
Published On: 2002-07-01
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These Are The Voyages…
You’ve read the Star Trek Player’s Guide, and now you’re prepared to take the next step – you’re ready to become a Star Trek narrator. Now it’s your turn to create new life and new civilizations, new starships and new technology. It’s your turn to design your own episodes and adventures in the Star Trek universe, and to make its legends your own. So what are you waiting for? A whole new universe beckons…
The Star Trek Narrator’s Guide includes :
- The complete rules needed for play, easily convertible from previous Star Trek RPGs
- Original Star Trek canon consistent with previous versions of the Star Trek RPG
- Detailed guidelines for creating and running your own episodes in every era of the Star Trek universe
- In-depth creation rules for starships, planets, creatures, hazards, and alien species
- Tips for linking your episodes into entire series and “seasons” of adventure for your players