Format: Magazine
Language: English
Published by: Titan Books
ISBN-10: 1357-3888
Length: 98
Published On: 2006-08-22
MSRP: 9.99
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Issue 128 (US issue #1) of Star Trek Magazine was the September/October 2006 issue.
The first issue produced for North American distribution, the magazine saw a complete redesign from the ground up.
- 08 Haily Frequencies
- 18 Deep Space Five!
- 32 Forty Reason We Love Star Trek!
- 40 Star Trek Pin-Ups
- 42 Interview: D.C. Fontana
- 53 Flashback: Friday’s Child
- 60 Star Trek Year-By-Year: The 1960s
- 70 Column: Dave Rossi
- 72 Fiction Extract: Crucible
- 80 Replicator: Star Trek Merchandise Review
- 92 Communicator: Star Trek Letters
- 94 Fistfull of Data
- 96 Column: Larry Nemecek
- 98 Next Issue