Star Trek: Deep Space Nine #12 First published on December 1, 1997 and written by Andy Mangels, Michael A. Martin and contains Fully Original Content Franchise: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Comic Book Series: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (1996) Add To CollectionFormat: Comic Book: Single IssueLanguage: EnglishPublished by: Marvel Comics Length: 38 Published On: 1997-10-01 (No Ratings Yet)Loading... Buy from Things From Another World! Buy on Find on E-Bay Reprinted inEaglemoss Graphic Novel Collection #114: Star Trek: DS9: Command Decisions Sources Related Books Book Sale! Out Now Coming Soon All Upcoming Books Star Trek #29 Star Trek: Section 31 #1 Star Trek: Defiant #24 Star Trek #30 Star Trek: Lower Decks #5 Late Star Trek: The Final Frontier in the Franchise Era Star Trek: Defiant #25 Star Trek: Lore War #1 Star Trek: Lower Decks #6 Star Trek, Volume Four: Pleroma Star Trek: Defiant #26 Star Trek #31 Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: Toward The Night The Art of Star Trek: Lower Decks Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: Ring of Fire Star Trek III: The Search for Spock: The Making of the Classic Film The Art of Star Trek & Defiant Star Trek: Lower Decks, Vol. 1: Second Contact Star Trek: Picard Omnibus Star Trek: The Original Series: Identity Theft