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All Klingons revere the Day of Honor, their most sacred holiday, but the true nature of honor can be a matter worth fighting over…. Dispatched on a secret mission to investigate the raids, Commander Worf of Deep Space Nine and the crew of the Defiant find themselves trapped on a an alien world threatened by global cataclysm — trapped along with Klingons who were exiled to this world for their loyalty to Worf’s dishonored family. Worf must find a way to save the Klingons whose honor bade them to keep their pledges to the House of Mogh despite the orders of the Emperor, and to prevent a bloody massacre that will forever stain the honor of the Klingon Empire!
Other Editions:

Format: Book: Paperback
Language: English
Published by: Pocket Books
ISBN-10: 0671006754
ISBN-13: 978-0671006754
Length: 279
Published On: 1997-09-01