Out Today: “Justice and Popular Culture: Star Trek as Philosophical Text”

Out today is another book, titled “Justice and Popular Culture: Star Trek as Philosophical Text”, by  .

Here’s the book’s synopsis:


This book examines how the Star Trek franchise does more than reflect and depict the political currents of the times. Gonzalez argues that Star Trek also presents an argument as to what constitutes a just, stable, thriving society. By analyzing Star Trek, this book argues that in order to obtain true democracy and justice the productive forces of society must be geared toward achieving a thriving society, the whole individual, and the environment. This dialectic is consonant with the notions of revolutionary change, progress postulated by Karl Marx and examined within this text. The book concludes that the only way to hope to avoid a planetary cataclysm is through justice—more specifically, communism as a concept of justice.


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Adam Selvidge
Author: Adam Selvidge

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