Format: Comic Book: Hardcover
Language: English
Published by: EagleMoss Collections
Diamond Distributing Code: n/a
Published On: 2017-10-25
MSRP: 19.95
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The crew of The Next Generation and Deep Space Nine meet in the wake of a political conflict and they need to join forces to stop a small group of extremists.
For Dax, having a symbiont is an honor, but some others of her kind do not agree. Verad, who has stolen Dax’s symbiont before, is now a member of a group claiming that these creatures are taking control of Trill society. Veron plots an attack that could affect all the Trills.
The miniseries features the TNG cast after the events of STAR TREK: INSURRECTION and the DS9 crew from the Pocket Books relaunch novel series, from after the final episode What You Leave Behind.