Star Trek: Enterprise: The Good That Men Do

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On The Cover: ISBN-10: 0743440013
ISBN-13: 978-0743440011
Length: 464
Published On: 2007-02-01

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Pax Galactica. Enemies become allies. Old secrets are at last revealed. Long-held beliefs and widely accepted truths are challenged. Man turns to leisurely pursuits.

In this golden age, two old friends are drawn together. They seek to understand, and wonder how what they have long believed, what they have been taught, was never so.

Over two hundred years ago, the life of one of Starfleet’s earliest pioneers came to a tragic end, and Captain Jonathan Archer, the legendary commander of Earth’s first warp-five starship, lost a close friend. Or so it seemed for many years. But with the passage of time, and the declassification of certain crucial files, the truth about that fateful day — the day that Commander Charles “Trip” Tucker III didn’t die — could finally be revealed.

Why did Starfleet feel it was necessary to rewrite history? And why only now can the truth be told?